
This blog is a requirement for one of my courses, but to be honest I’ve wanted to start one for a while now. I guess that I should start it by introducing myself.

My name is Andrea and I am a student in Honolulu, Hawaii. I am in my third semester of university and am majoring in Journalism with a minor in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). I am bilingual (English and Korean) and am trying to master Japanese as well. My interests include cooking, eating, reading, and spending way too much time on 9Gag or YouTube. I’d very much like to move to South Korea and teach English or work as a reporter for an American publication while in Seoul.

Some life goals: to meet Simon and Martina of EatYourKimchi, visit Venice, teach English in Japan for a summer, and to travel the path of the Fellowship in New Zealand (I am a HUGE Lord of the Rings fan)

There really isn’t a lot for me to say without telling you my whole life story. And that would be giving out way too much information. So, I shall end this introductory post here.

I appreciate my students’ contributions from their laptops

As a student, I found this to be very interesting. Maybe other professors will change their minds.

The Buttry Diary

My distracting laptop My distracting laptop

I’ve updated this post after discussing the issue with my class. 

I can think of no journalism professors I admire more than Clay Shirky and Jay Rosen. But I (so far) disagree with them on the subject of whether to allow students to use laptops and mobile devices during class.

Clay has explained in a blog post why he bans computers from his classroom. Jay chimed in his agreement:

They both have notably more classroom experience than I do, and they might be right. I encourage you to read Clay’s full explanation and won’t try to summarize it here, but he cites research about how multitasking can interfere with learning.

My limited experience is different. I was very…

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Class blog